Sand Road Maple Farm
Establishment at 17190 Sand Road, Moose Creek, ON K0C 1W0, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Sand Road Maple Farm: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
17190 Sand Road
Moose Creek
Ontario K0C 1W0
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+1 613-538-2991

Reviews of Sand Road Maple Farm
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Sand Road Traditonal Maple Farm and Sugar Shack
Sand Road Maple Farm delights with a 75 acre mature forest, a majestic large pine lodge, and pure Canadian Heritage experiences. We are located on the fringe of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, just a short drive from Parliament Hill. Our sugar bush is open to the public during our famous Syrup Season. We are a fully operational maple farm. At our family farm you can experience maple syrup making the way it has been done for centuries. Syrup Season starts in March and continues as long as the sap is running. Come j
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Today's weather in Moose Creek
22:00 -2 ℃ 1019 hPa 71 % 3 m/s